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Sunday 28 August 2016

Monday~ Another start to school~

So I can guess you already know it is Monday!
Yay! I am so excited! Not!
But to tell you, I am not a big fan of Mondays except if it fun at school!
Well... Where should I start...
So today in the morning we found out there was no math!
Ok... That is a boring start..
Ok How bout this!
OMG! Guess what we had first thing in the morning!
Like, How can this happen! We had no math!
Like we had none of this!
Image result for math
So instead we had sport and after that we had the amazing art!
Yeah... We are still carrying on with our art. My one is...
I hope I don't need to remind you.
Oh yeah, Have any of you tried doing it!
Remember to send me pics~

We also had drama after teatime!
I mean morning tea Time!
Drama went really good~
I mean good~
quite good~
quite bad~
It went really bad!

Ok let's not talk negative.
We also had this boring session of online tools!
Yay, look how boring it sounds...
So this time we were learning how to use...
Wait I will find it~
Eh, Can't bother to...
You guys should really try this website!
I will make another page for online tools.
Make sure to checkout!

Tuesday 23 August 2016


It is like seriously why now!
I have this habit of always becoming sick before a performance!
Yesterday was one of the cluster festival performances and today was the second one!
And guess what...
Yep, your right
I am sick!
So I missed out on today and yesterday...
This cold is not going away!?
Oh yeah did you guys realize that the date is wrong on this blog?
I guess it is the internet playing tricks on us.
JK, Well I will write down what is the real date for today!
Today is the 24th of August on Wednesday!
Slash, 2016
Today I went to school and it was quite amazing!
Well after school it was... Quite amazing!
And yeah...
Ah.. This I make it obvious I went with my friends?
Image result for mcdonalds
So since I was sick...
I couldn't get a frozen fanta!(It was pinapple)!
Image result for frozen fanta pineapple mcdonalds

Or a frozen coke!
Image result for frozen fanta pineapple mcdonalds
Or a normal fizzy drink
Image result for fizzy drink mcdonalds
I couldn't even get a smoothie/frappe or juice!
Image result for smoothiemcdonalds
Image result for frappe mcdonalds
Image result for juice mcdonalds
Seriously! I couldn't get coffee as well! Well, nevermind about the coffee because I don't drink coffee.
Well all I drank was.... What did you say right now?
Image result for water mcdonald's
Seriously I am not that sick to just drink water and who would want to drink water when there friends are sucking onto those amazing cold, frozen, delicious drinks!
So basically what I drank was...
Image result for hot chocolate mcdonald's
Well, I guess it was not that bad. Especially the marshmallows!
Haha, Yeah so basically I had a nice time with my hot chocolate, some medium fries and nuggets!
Don't worry, I didn't eat a hamburger because I don't like them. So I pretty much had a fun time looking at my friends sucking those juicy dri....
Argh, I don't even want to talk about it!
Doesn't those pics make your mouth water with hunger....
I better go now and see ya!

Wednesday 17 August 2016


I guess you have already have gotten an idea from my title, yeah that's right today was one of the day where I do all my normal stuff at school with no fun!
I actually had fun! Ok, it wasn't fun before 12:00 pm but after,
Yeah you get the idea...
So what we did after lunch was ART! Like amazing art!
If you still don't know art let me show ya!
Screen Shot 2016-07-19 at 12.46.16 pm.png
Yeah! Look at that!
Sorry for who out there who isn't a fan of art...
But keep reading because it is not all about it!
Well this piece of art is what we are doing at school.
My one? Well my one looks more, ummmm crowded!
Ok, I am not going to talk any more about my art because it looks....
Don't even think about it, Please!
If you would like to try this out go onto my link, circle art.
I hope your one is better than mine...
Well hope you comment and see ya next time!

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Freedom day!

Today was like Freedom day!


It was the best day of my life~ My Li-i-i-fe!

That was one of the choir songs! Yay!
Oh yeah, we are having a cluster festival performance next week Tuesday and Wednesday so make sure to check it out!
That sounds toooo advertisy even though 'advertisy' isn't a word...
Eh, Who cares.
But we sang these gorgeous songs! 
Surprise! I am a great singer! 
Not showing off, of course(Or maybe I am?)
But I am sooo good at singing that people love it and I am in the amazing choir at school!
Sorry, I feel like I am showing off AGAIN! Not...
This new post is getting kinda boring....
Oh yeah we did sport after that! Wait wait....
Yeah! Trophie for Mwa!(Me)
Whoever out there who has posted this pic online, thx!
(I know you meant it for me!) JK...
I am absolutely kidding myself, Not!
The Best day of my life~
Sorry I am kinda getting addicted to that song~
The singer who sand this song would have been absolutely amazing!
Oh yeah, Gtg, Cya!
(Remember to follow and comment down below)

Monday 15 August 2016

Sparkle and shine! Here I come!

This is like the first blog I am sharing and it is soooo exciting!
I am just going to share just tiny things about me..
So here it goes...
First of all I would like to say that my favorite animal is a....

that's right! A dolphin! They look just gorgeous....
Now lets go into the second bit/part.
FOOD! Who there doesn't like food!
Don't drool because I will be sharing some amazing delicious pics with you.

Thank u to whoever these photos below to because they are just sweet!
I am gonna go for today so...