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Wednesday 17 August 2016


I guess you have already have gotten an idea from my title, yeah that's right today was one of the day where I do all my normal stuff at school with no fun!
I actually had fun! Ok, it wasn't fun before 12:00 pm but after,
Yeah you get the idea...
So what we did after lunch was ART! Like amazing art!
If you still don't know art let me show ya!
Screen Shot 2016-07-19 at 12.46.16 pm.png
Yeah! Look at that!
Sorry for who out there who isn't a fan of art...
But keep reading because it is not all about it!
Well this piece of art is what we are doing at school.
My one? Well my one looks more, ummmm crowded!
Ok, I am not going to talk any more about my art because it looks....
Don't even think about it, Please!
If you would like to try this out go onto my link, circle art.
I hope your one is better than mine...
Well hope you comment and see ya next time!

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