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Tuesday 16 August 2016

Freedom day!

Today was like Freedom day!


It was the best day of my life~ My Li-i-i-fe!

That was one of the choir songs! Yay!
Oh yeah, we are having a cluster festival performance next week Tuesday and Wednesday so make sure to check it out!
That sounds toooo advertisy even though 'advertisy' isn't a word...
Eh, Who cares.
But we sang these gorgeous songs! 
Surprise! I am a great singer! 
Not showing off, of course(Or maybe I am?)
But I am sooo good at singing that people love it and I am in the amazing choir at school!
Sorry, I feel like I am showing off AGAIN! Not...
This new post is getting kinda boring....
Oh yeah we did sport after that! Wait wait....
Yeah! Trophie for Mwa!(Me)
Whoever out there who has posted this pic online, thx!
(I know you meant it for me!) JK...
I am absolutely kidding myself, Not!
The Best day of my life~
Sorry I am kinda getting addicted to that song~
The singer who sand this song would have been absolutely amazing!
Oh yeah, Gtg, Cya!
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